Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heath Ledger's Joker Retiring???

Heath Ledger is the man who outstandingly played the Joker in the movie "the Dark Knight." When he died from an overdose afterwards, there was much speculation whether playing the part of Joker too good affected his mind or not. Then there was a lot of people who thought that Heath Ledger should recieve a posthumous oscar nomination and then rightfully win it. Now, the next big news about Heath Ledger and his Joker, is that diehard fans want the Joker to be retired from any future Batman movies. Why? The leader of the group that wants petitions signed for the Joker to be retired, Fer Barbella says that he was "the ultimate Joker," just like when a great sports athlete retires, the team retires the number. Well, it is true that Heath Ledger's Joker seems to have been done much better than any of the previous ones, but retiring a character that defines an essential part of the entire story? That seems to be a little difficult to do, without ruining the story, and a bit farfetched as well. Currently, the petition has 2533 supporters and the group wants at least 50,000 before going to the studios for the request. If you like to join the group as well, you can click here or go to Below is a clip from the Dark Knight movie of the famous "Why so serious" scene

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