Now things start to become ridiculous when matters inside the game are being taken seriously outside the game, in real time. Just recently a British couple divorced because the wife found her husband's avatar having an "affair" with another avatar. The woman says, "It may have started online, but it existed entirely in the real world and it hurts just as much now it is over." And now the couple's marriage of three years is ended in divorce. It is reported by CNN that the woman is now dating a man she met in "World of Warcraft".
An even more weird event took place last month, during October. A 43 year old woman in Japan is in jail because her online virtual husband left divorced her in Maple Story, another virtual game, although different from Second Life. Maple Story is a massive multi-player online role playing game where players travel throughout "Maple World" trying to defeat monsters and developing their character's skills. Marriage is of course, a part of the game, and so is divorcing. When the woman found out her virtual husband left her, she hacked into game, with

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