Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yale Student Sues for Lost Xbox

Jesse Maiman, 21, has sued US Airways $1 million for a lost Xbox. It is stated that the Xbox has a "specialized" hard drive of some sort, although to what extent is not known. If the airline does not want to take up the court case, Jesse Maiman demands that they pay $1700 for the system, and the maximum damages allowable. A spokeswoman for the airline said that government limits liability for lost luggage to $3,300 per bag. The Xbox was lost during his flight from Conneticut to Cincinatti, back in December. In my opinion, anything of value should not be put into luggages onto airplanes, especially if one is travelling to or from the US, unless it is small enough to be carried on your person, or put into a carry-on travelling bag. Too often does belongings keep getting messed up or gone missing since security is so tight in the US that almost everything must be checked extremely thoroughly.

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