Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
first week of bcit finally over... despite already being a bit behind :(
... bcit servers wont allow downloads so no pictures..
... bcit servers wont allow downloads so no pictures..
Monday, April 13, 2009
Passenger Saves Plane After Pilot Dies
The plane was travelling from Florida to Mississippi when the pilot died in mid-air. From what is still not known, but that doesn't mean that the plane went down. Luckily a passenger, who has had some flying experience, although with smaller and single engine planes, took over for the deceased pilot, and with the help and advice of traffic controllers, landed the larger, twin engine Super King Air. The passenger, Doug White, was with his family when this happened. They were the only people on board. He told them to "pray very hard", obviously because you never know whats gonna happen when something like this happens. But despite the horrific situation, in which most people would begin to lose their mind, Doug stays quiet calm, only starting to feel doubtful when he was about to land the plane. But, that doubtfulness proved to be nothing big, since the plane landed successfully and nobody, other than the already deceased pilot, was hurt. This truly was an "Easter miracle".
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Msn Messenger and WebMessenger
I dont know if anyone out there has had this problem as well, but lately I found that i could not log into my msn messenger on my computer. It works on others, just not mine. What happened at first is that it said "your account is unavailable. please try again later". When i logged onto msn on my brothers account it worked fine. Then i went back to my computer and it would be able to log in again. But now its almost a different story. I try to log on, this time the error message i get is "Your contact list is not available at this time. please try again later." I go onto my brother's computer i try logging in, it works. I go back to my computer and try to log in, just as i did originally, and it doesnt now its the same error message. It had already gotten to the point where i was already pretty annoyed and it didnt really matter much. But now i found a solution. that is Webmessenger. It is the same as msn, except completely online. You dont have to download anything, like you do with msn messenger or windows live messenger, just sign in. another internet window pops up and voila, theres your old msn again. By "old" i really mean it. The format of it is just like it was half a decade ago, when it looked pretty primitive. But, oh well... it doesnt matter how it looks, as long as i get msn back its alright. Oh yea, theres a little lag time between your messengers when you press enter. you have to wait a second, so typing got a little slower for all those who like to write, the click enter, write, enter, write, and enter. But its definitely a good temporary solution for anyone with msn problems.
web messenger,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Earth Hour
Its Earth Hour right now! Earth Hour starts at 8:30 pm pacific times and lasts for one hour. During this hour, people turn off the light in their houses, apartments, condo's, etc. It is a symbol that at least some people in society care about saving electricity and about going green, although to what extent could be another matter. Anyways, be green-smart and join in with millions of people around the world (those on the other side of the world would have already done this yesterday because of different time zones) in a simple effort to show the greener side of everyone!
Yale Student Sues for Lost Xbox
Jesse Maiman, 21, has sued US Airways $1 million for a lost Xbox. It is stated that the Xbox has a "specialized" hard drive of some sort, although to what extent is not known. If the airline does not want to take up the court case, Jesse Maiman demands that they pay $1700 for the system, and the maximum damages allowable. A spokeswoman for the airline said that government limits liability for lost luggage to $3,300 per bag. The Xbox was lost during his flight from Conneticut to Cincinatti, back in December. In my opinion, anything of value should not be put into luggages onto airplanes, especially if one is travelling to or from the US, unless it is small enough to be carried on your person, or put into a carry-on travelling bag. Too often does belongings keep getting messed up or gone missing since security is so tight in the US that almost everything must be checked extremely thoroughly.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Naturally 7

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
3rd Generation iPod Shuffle
The new 3rd Generation iPod Shuffle, is really something. It's got absolutely no buttons on it, and is nearly half the size of the old iPod shuffle. So how do you maneuver it? On the earphone wire, completely seperate of the actual iPod, there are two buttons for the volume (up and down) and a clicker button. One click equates to play/pause. Two clicks is skip the song, and three clicks is to skip back to a previous song. Although a very, very neat piece of technology, it appears that most people, in their reviews of this new gadget, prefer the other iPods, which arent so buttonless.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Man Survives Jump into Niagra Falls

fire department,
niagra falls,
todd brunning
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
AngelaBaby's Interview
AngelaBaby, turning 20 this year, is one of Hong Kong's biggest supermodel, and recently had an interesting interview. She says that she looks up to British model Kate Moss and that "She's my idol. She's very fashionable, very pretty. I hope we have similar styles. I like to see her pictures and see how she dresses." Eventually, she revealed, that she would also like to have her own fashion line, as celebrities often do, including Kate Moss as well. When the interviewer asked her what she likes being about model, she said that there are pros and cons. The best thing she likes about modelling is the places she gets to travel to, and the worst is that she is always away from home, due to busy schedules, as well as having "to shoot summer-wear in winter, and then winter-wear in summer. So it's very hard for me. It's either very hot or very cold!" When asked about her rumoured romantic involvement with Jay Chou, a Taiwanese superstar, she said "The newspapers only tell stories!" while laughing, though including that Jay Chou is a "very very good person." Ever since she was 11, Jay Chou has been her idol, and couldn't believe it when she finally got to work with him. Below are pictures of AngelBaby and her idols Kate Moss and Jay Chou

Hong Kong,
Jay Chou,
Kate Moss,
Big Gains in Stock Market for 2009
Today has the stock markets biggest gain in 2009. All three major indexes logged their best day of this year. Dow Jones went up 379 points, which is its highest since november. S&P 500 gained 43 points, best since December. And Nasdaq went up 90 points, its best since november as well. This climb comes after Citigroup lessened some stresses when regulators said they may reinstate a trading rule. Citigroup made a big climb as well, going up 38%. A lot of other companies' stock went up as well, including Bank of America (BAC), Wells Fargo (WFC), General Electric (GE), Cisco Systems (CSCO), eBay (EBAY), Dell (DELL), google (GOOG) and many more.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Facial Expression Controlled iPod

kazuhiro taniguchi,
mimi switch,
Sunday, March 8, 2009

quick time,
real player,
windows media,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Saturn's New Moon

A new moon orbitting saturn has been discovered. The moon, quite small, only about a half kilometer across, orbits on saturn's sixth ring. This moon was discovered by the Cassini spacecraft's camera, and the spacecraft is expected to follow up a mission for closer picture taking in early 2010. It was not announced whether the moon has been named. To the right are some pictures of the moon as it is seen at some distance, which appears to be a little speck of light.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Math Holiday: Square Root Day!

Apple's New Mac Pro and Mac Mini

The new Mac Pro will be priced at $2,499 for the quad-core and $3,299 for the eight-core version. It uses the "Nehalem" processor which runs at 2.93 GHz.
Another thing that was unveiled today is the new Mac Mini. What's new in this one is the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M integrated graphics card that is in it. It supposedly will improve the graphics from the previous Mac Mini five times. Apple also stated that it is the world's most energy efficient desktop computer.
eight core,
mac mini,
mac pro,
nvidia geforce
Friday, February 27, 2009
Topless Coffee Shop?!

donald crabtree,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Girl Does Almost Anything for $3

Chen Xiao, a girl in China - aged 26, decided to let internet surfers, otherwise known as netizens, control her life for $3 an hour. After a bad 2008 when her clothing shop went bankrupt, harsh blizzards, a devastating earthquake, and even friends divorcing, she decided that no matter what she did, bad things were bound to happen. So, that is why she is letting citizens of the internet decide things for her. Of course, not EVERYTHING. She says that she will not undertake a request that is illegal, immoral or violent (of course there will always be people there to do just that). So far she has taken care of some of these netizen's sick relatives, delivering pet food, taking care of stray cats, and even providing some of the homeless with a hot meal. So far the oddest assignment was attending the birth of a child. The father was a stranger who just wanted to someone to take some photos and since he heard about Chen Xiao, he decided, why not? Doing things for others, she says has made her her happier. She says that she does not know when she'll go back to her own life, except it is only when others stop needing her.
To the right is a picture of Chen Xiao in front of Tiananmen Square
free iPhones in Japan

iPhones are now free in Japan. Starting this friday, the only seller of Apple's iPhone in Japan, SoftBank Mobile, is having a special deal. With the purchase of a two year contract, a free 8GB iPhone 3G. Even with this awesome sale, marketing consultants predicted that the iPhone would not do so well in Japan. It is because the phones in Japan are too different from the iPhone which have a more "American" feel to it, being from Apple and all. Text messaging in Japan usually only consists of using just one thumb and not with qwerty keys. The iPhone's camera falls below standard compare to the average camera phone over there, the iPhone's display of emoji, or cute emoticons, is much harder to use, mostly everyone already has an iPod touch, and finally, Japan being one of the toughest cell phone markets in the world, doesn't help much neither. If this free iPhone deal was here in North America, there would no doubt be so much more sales in one of the most technology innovated countries, it might be a little bit harder to pull off.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Too Much Playstation Causes Skin Condition
Recently an unnamed girl in Geneva, Switzerland had developed what her doctors called "PlayStation palmar hidradentitis." These are lumps, which are a variation of "idiopathic eccrine hidradenitis," which causes red and sore lumps usually on the palms or soles of the feet, appeared on her palms from a combination of sweaty hands, tight grip and physical movement when playing on the playstation. After being prescribed "no playstation" for ten days, the lumps disappeared.
This is not the first report of a game related injury. In the past, adults have been reported of suffering from "Wii knees," which is from over-enthusiastic playing of the Wii. Several first player shooter games have been known to cause dizziness and even make people nauseous as well.
Below are pictures of an angry gamer, playstation 3, and a peculiar Wii console.
This console, showing Darth Vader on one side with red LED lights, appeared on eBay just a little over a year ago. Also included in the set are a pair of black Wii-mote and Nunchuk controllers and a black sensor bar. The seller claims that only four of these were created, specially made for the promotion of the Star Wars game "The Force Unleashed." The asking price for this set was $15,000. No further information whether the image of Darth Vader is paint or vinyl or even just a skin was given.

This is not the first report of a game related injury. In the past, adults have been reported of suffering from "Wii knees," which is from over-enthusiastic playing of the Wii. Several first player shooter games have been known to cause dizziness and even make people nauseous as well.
Below are pictures of an angry gamer, playstation 3, and a peculiar Wii console.
This console, showing Darth Vader on one side with red LED lights, appeared on eBay just a little over a year ago. Also included in the set are a pair of black Wii-mote and Nunchuk controllers and a black sensor bar. The seller claims that only four of these were created, specially made for the promotion of the Star Wars game "The Force Unleashed." The asking price for this set was $15,000. No further information whether the image of Darth Vader is paint or vinyl or even just a skin was given.

Xbox 360 Elite: Limited-edition Resident Evil 5
Microsoft is releasing a limited edition red Xbox 360. It will be packaged just like the Xbox 360 Elite and will also include Resident Evil 5, which is coming out on Friday the 13th of March. A free voucher Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix will also be included as a bonus. The pricing for this limited edition is the same as the regular Xbox 360 Elite which comes to $400. Below are some pictures of the limited edtion Xbox set.

Monday, February 23, 2009
Green Comet to Pass Earth
Starting today, a green comet, called Lulin, will be visible to the naked eye after 10pm tonight. It should be located to the right of saturn in the southern skies, below the constellation of Leo. It will be seen by places of mid-northern latitudes, such as North America and Europe. The reason for its green coloring is due to ionized cyanogen and carbon gases emitting radiation in green wavelengths. The special thing about this comet is that for the first time ever, it entered our solar system and also for the first time it will be seen by human eyes. It was discovered in Nantou, Taiwan on July 11, 2007 through a collaboration between Taiwanese and Chinese astronomers.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
LG: Transparent Keypad
Just announced by LG, a slide-phone with a transparent keypad will be launched in either May, and if not, then sometime in the second half of the year. This phone is called the LG GD900. The keypad is almost entirely transparent with a slight glow around the edges to illuminate the numbers and keys. Other than this bit of information, LG has released no other details on the phone so far. Below are some pictures of the phone.

cell phone,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Google Latitude
Last day, we started taking a look at the new Google Latitude web application. It is kind of like gps, allowing friends or other users to know where you are, or where you want them to think you are. Currently the program is not yet very good since Google only has a couple satellites here and there, so that would mean a user could be misplaced a couple blocks away. Its still a good way to see how far your friends are when a meeting point is arranged, where your lost cellphone might be, etc.
google earth,
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Microsoft's $250,000 Reward
Microsoft is offering a $250,000 reward for the capture of a group of hackers behind a recent worm called Conficker and Downadup. And just like any other worm or virus, this one can cause some serious damage in mainly corporate networks, although it has only infected the computers and has yet to do any damage. Microsoft has released a patch, but while it fixes the computer, it can easily be infected again. So far two million Internet protocol addresses have been detected to have already been infected with the Conficker virus. And one IP address means at least one computer. So because of this, Microsoft will award anyone who gives information leading to an arrest. This is not the first time Microsoft has had to do something like this. 5 years ago, there was a worm called Sasser which caused much trouble throughout the world and when Microsoft put up the award, the person responsible was eventually tracked down in Germany and sentenced one year later.
New Liquid Cooled, Gaming PC
The new PC from Shuttle, maker of small, custom built PCs, has come out with a new computer made for gamers. This PC called, Shuttle SDXi Carbon comes with the elite quad-core Intel Core2 Extreme QX9770 processor, dual-slot NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 graphics card, and the optional 16GB of high-speed DDR2 memory. It is equipped with the world’s first Liquid I.C.E. technology, which is a new kind of liquid cooling solution, specially designed to allow the processor to be pushed to its limits while keeping the system cool and quiet. With all this packaged in a small little bundle, this set is surely not going to come cheap, starting at $2,599. Below are some pictures of this cream of the crop PC for those seriously into heavy gaming as well as other demanding applications.

extreme qx9770,
liquid i.c.e. technology,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Heath Ledger's Joker Retiring???
Heath Ledger is the man who outstandingly played the Joker in the movie "the Dark Knight." When he died from an overdose afterwards, there was much speculation whether playing the part of Joker too good affected his mind or not. Then there was a lot of people who thought that Heath Ledger should recieve a posthumous oscar nomination and then rightfully win it. Now, the next big news about Heath Ledger and his Joker, is that diehard fans want the Joker to be retired from any future Batman movies. Why? The leader of the group that wants petitions signed for the Joker to be retired, Fer Barbella says that he was "the ultimate Joker," just like when a great sports athlete retires, the team retires the number. Well, it is true that Heath Ledger's Joker seems to have been done much better than any of the previous ones, but retiring a character that defines an essential part of the entire story? That seems to be a little difficult to do, without ruining the story, and a bit farfetched as well. Currently, the petition has 2533 supporters and the group wants at least 50,000 before going to the studios for the request. If you like to join the group as well, you can click here or go to www.theultimatejoker.com. Below is a clip from the Dark Knight movie of the famous "Why so serious" scene
Dark Knight,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Must See Movies of 2009
This summer is going to be a great summer for watching movies. A lot of long-awaited sequels are going to be released this year including the high speed Fast and Furious, robot madness of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the super-powered X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the fast shooting Crank 2, the prequel of the original series Star Trek, the mysterious Angels and Demons, action heavy Terminator: Salvation, funny family movie Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, children's dream movie GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, the successor of controversial Borat - Bruno, bestseller book of the same name Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, supernatural thriller Final Destination: Death Trip 3D and many more. Below are the trailers for these movies, except for the last three since it couldnt not be found at this time, in no particular order.
Fast and Furious
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Crank 2: High Voltage
Star Trek
Angels and Demons
Terminator: Salvation
Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaurs
G.I. Joe: the Rise of Cobra
Fast and Furious
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Crank 2: High Voltage
Star Trek
Angels and Demons
Terminator: Salvation
Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaurs
G.I. Joe: the Rise of Cobra
Monday, February 9, 2009
China's Mandarin Oriental Hotel Goes Up in Flames

The picture to the right shows the burning tower, the CCTV tower, and some spectators.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Microsoft's C++

Last week, the ICT 12 class just started work on Microsoft's C++ program. We were to make a simple program and when we ran it, it shows "Hello World" and who made the program.
For all those interested, the C++ program can be downloaded here, along with Visual Basic 2008, Visual Web Developer, and C#, which are all in express editions. SQL Server 2008 and The Microsoft MSDN Express Library can also be downloaded as well.
Remains of a Monster Snake Discovered

Just recently, scientists dug up the remains of a snake called Titanoboa cerrejonensis in Columbia. This clearly was not a normal snake. From the size of the bones found, the scientists were able to conclude that the snake would have been 13 meters long, weighed 2500 pounds, and at the thickest part of its body, it would have come up to about the average man's waist. It is believed that the snake lived about 58-60 million years ago when the earth was much warmer, roughly 33 degrees celsius on average.
To the right is an artist's impression of what the snake would've looked like.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Cloning an Extinct Species

Pyrenean ibex, a kind of Spanish wild goat, has been extinct for 9 years. The last one to live died from a falling tree. That is, until just recently when the species became 'un-extinct' for a brief seven minutes before dying of a severe lung defect. Scientists from the Centre of Food Technology and Research of Aragon were the ones responsible for the achievement. At that time, they implanted embryos into fifty-seven surrogate goats. The result of this was seven pregnancies and one live birth. Exactly why the species have gone extinct in the first place is unknown. Now there are other scientists who are trying to clone other extinct species such as mammoths, and the Tasmanian
Friday, January 23, 2009
SoundBulb: The New Lightbulb/Speaker System?
Lately, in sound innovation contests, there has been several lightbulb/speakers appearing. One such object is the SoundBulb by Yanko Design. These speakers, looking like lightbulbs, are completely wireless. They connect to the tv through a Bluetooth connection. The speakers can also work together with the light, giving the option of creating different levels of illumination depending on the sound given off. A cool idea, but many are still wondering whether or not the heat from the light will damage the sound wirings from inside the bulb. And if not that, then perhaps the high level of sound may be too great for the glass. The quality of the sound is also another concern. Will the quality be really good like Sony's or Bose's? Or would it be just like a regular stereo? Then again, this invention is still in the developmental stages and when it will be available, if being sold at all, is still unclear.

Monday, January 19, 2009
Speakeasy.net is quite a handy tool when figuring out how fast one's computer is at downloading and uploading content. To use the program, only a few simple steps are required. First of all is g
oing to http://speakeasy.net/speedtest/ from there, just click which city is nearest you, and wait for the program to do all the work. In a matter of seconds, it'll show you what your download speed and upload speeds are. For example, my download speed is 946 kbps, or kilobits per second, and my upload speed is 539 kbps. If you have the time, the less-than-a-minute program is very much worth just knowing how fast your computer is at downloading and uploading content.

Friday, January 16, 2009
Coming Soon: Invisibility Cloaks??
Scientists from Duke University had originally make a very
primitive invisibility cloak that still resembelled nothing like one. But now, those scientists have improved on this concept, and currently the cloak which is placed over a 'bump' on top of a flat mirror surface, hides the bump quiet well, though still far from perfect. What once was a bump, clear as day, now appears as if it was never there, replaced by a mirage-like effect. This effect is similar to what one might see hovering above the road or pavement on a hot day. "The new device can cloak a much wider spectrum of waves--nearly limitless--and will scale far more easily to infrared and visible light. The approach we used should help us expand and improve our abilities to cloak different types of waves,"says David R. Smith, who is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the university, and also one of the senior members of the research team. The cloak is made of a light-bending composite material that guides electromagnetic waves around the object being covered, and reconnects them on the other side. The most recent cloak made is 20 inches by 4 inches and under an inch high. For now this 'invisibility cloak' may be extremely primitive but considering how fast technology is evolving, a real invisibility cloak may be only a few years away. A picture of the most recent cloak with the bump is shown on the right.

david smith,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Top Ten Apps for Your BlackBerry
A BlackBerry is plenty useful, as everyone already knows, but here are ten applications which makes the BlackBerry truly useful.
1. Viigo - a full-featured RSS feed reader, allowing you to stay on top of your favorite feeds and news.
2. Vlingo - a program in which you can use only your voice to run Internet searches, launch applications, compose emails and even send text messages. It's also quite accurate so there's no need to double check.
3. Google Mobile - This allows you to access almost, if not all of Google's mobile-friendly services on one page.
4. BBNotePad - a memo pad with three text sizes, and can be saved to be opened on a computer.
5. GridMagic Community Edition - Like Microsoft Excel and a complex calculator put together! It can also be emailed as an Excel xls. document
6. Opera Mini - a limited view of Opera which has amazing speed, caching, and bookmark features, the ability to see pages as one would on a computer, and to be able to zoom in or out of that as well.
7. Mobipocket Reader - an e-book reading program, allowing you to read books from your BlackBerry with a variety of titles.
8. iSkoot - a program allowing you to send and recieve Skype calls, telephone calls from your Blackberry. Sound quality is good and allows you to text instead, if you choose to. Application is free and theres no extra charge on non-Skype calls.
9. TwitterBerry - Twitter for your BlackBerry if you're ever away from your computer.
10. WebMessenger - Allows you to chat on the most popular IM networks. You create one 'master' account and from that you can log into which ever IM network or account you already have. AOL, Google, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, Skype or Yahoo is already supported by WebMessenger.
This list was found as a tweet at http://twitter.com/petervogel
For a more in-depth look at the details of the list click here or go to http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=Mobile+and+Wireless&articleId=9125000&taxonomyId=15&pageNumber=2
1. Viigo - a full-featured RSS feed reader, allowing you to stay on top of your favorite feeds and news.
2. Vlingo - a program in which you can use only your voice to run Internet searches, launch applications, compose emails and even send text messages. It's also quite accurate so there's no need to double check.
3. Google Mobile - This allows you to access almost, if not all of Google's mobile-friendly services on one page.
4. BBNotePad - a memo pad with three text sizes, and can be saved to be opened on a computer.
5. GridMagic Community Edition - Like Microsoft Excel and a complex calculator put together! It can also be emailed as an Excel xls. document
6. Opera Mini - a limited view of Opera which has amazing speed, caching, and bookmark features, the ability to see pages as one would on a computer, and to be able to zoom in or out of that as well.
7. Mobipocket Reader - an e-book reading program, allowing you to read books from your BlackBerry with a variety of titles.
8. iSkoot - a program allowing you to send and recieve Skype calls, telephone calls from your Blackberry. Sound quality is good and allows you to text instead, if you choose to. Application is free and theres no extra charge on non-Skype calls.
9. TwitterBerry - Twitter for your BlackBerry if you're ever away from your computer.
10. WebMessenger - Allows you to chat on the most popular IM networks. You create one 'master' account and from that you can log into which ever IM network or account you already have. AOL, Google, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, Skype or Yahoo is already supported by WebMessenger.
This list was found as a tweet at http://twitter.com/petervogel
For a more in-depth look at the details of the list click here or go to http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=Mobile+and+Wireless&articleId=9125000&taxonomyId=15&pageNumber=2
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Somali Pirates Steal Fertilizer, Leaves Oil Tanker

Two days ago on New Year's Day, the pirates in Somali who have been in the spotlight quite often recently, attacked two ships. One was a cargo ship containing 6000 tons of fertilizer and the other an oil tanker. They successfully hijacked the fertilizer-carrying cargo ship. As for the oil tanker, when two of the pirate's smaller sized speed boats, one carrying seven people, began their attack by firing at the tanker, the captain put the tanker on maximum speed and began to avoid pirates using evasive maneuvers, as crew members sent out an SOS message. 15 nautical miles away, a Malaysian frigate received the message and within minutes a light military helicopter arrived and the pirates ceased their attack. The crew of the oil tanker must've had a very happy and lucky start for the New Years, a worried start for those involved in the captured fertilizer ship, a series of headaches soon to come for negotiators to free the hostages, and an exceedingly frustrating start for the pirate boss who was probably planning for a celebration with all the oil he would've had.
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